I was struggling to get a job when a friend introduced me to a man she holds in high regard. She told me, “Even if he is not able to employ you for himself, he knows people. He can connect you to one of his associates for employment opportunities. I was so eager for the opportunity that I jumped at it and started talking to this man. He is fifty, married with kids. We were not necessarily friendly. Our conversations were all about work. My skill set, qualifications, and work experiences. True to what my friend said, he found me a job as a domestic help for one of his friends.

For someone who had never met me to vouch for me and get me a job filled me with so much gratitude. I even entertained the notion that I had met my destiny helper. I was more than grateful for his help. So when he asked to meet me a month after I started working for his friend, I agreed. I included his workmate in our meeting plans but he kept saying that his friend was a busy person so we shouldn’t trouble him.

I let him understand that it would mean a lot to me if I were to meet him while his friend was present. That was when he finally agreed to invite his friend to join us. We all met at an open place. After we exchanged pleasantries, I reintroduced myself as the woman he helped without even meeting. He smiled shyly and told me, “Don’t worry about it. We are humans. If we don’t support each other then where is our humanity?”

A few minutes later, he excused himself. He said he had to go and attend to something at home. We said our goodbyes. I thought the meeting was over until he called me to come out and see him. When I got there he said he had some work for me to do, and that he would like me to know his house so we take it from there. I was under the impression that he lived with his wife and kids so I thought, “What’s the harm in taking on some extra work? After all, this is someone who helped me.” So I sat in his car and we set off.

On our way to the house, we barely even spoke. You know how it is when a man of status is relating with someone he sees to be beneath him. Some of them don’t bother with small talk. I also didn’t know what I could talk to him about so we were mostly quiet throughout the ride.

I realized that his house was far from town but I just assured myself that he lived with his family so it was going to be fine. When we got to the place it was empty. “Where are your wife and kids? Will I meet them before I leave?” I asked him. With the most casual tone I have ever heard he answered, “When I said I live with my family, I meant my younger brother. But he is not home today. As for my wife and kids, they live in another town.” The moment he said that, a feeling of dread overcame me. I tried to keep myself calm but there was nothing to be calm about.

This helper of mine didn’t offer me a seat before he started touching me. Fear held me frozen to my spot. When I tried to get away from him he smiled and said, “Rosie, are you a child? What do you think you came here for?” I stood there in shock as he undressed. I couldn’t even scream. Even if I did, no one would hear me. There weren’t many houses around. I tried to appeal to his emotions but the only emotion I saw on his face was determination.

I was in my period but he didn’t care. I fought him but he won. After he was done, he wiped the sweat from his left brow with the back of his right hand, and offered me a satisfied smile. I was disgusted. I wanted to throw up all over his stupid smirk to express how deeply repulsed I felt by him. I couldn’t control my emotions. I burst out saying, “You won’t get away with this. I will report you to the police.” The moment I mentioned the police, his demeanour changed instantly. The cold look in his eyes melted.

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He started acting all lovey-dovey. “I am sorry I forced you,” he said, “I was just overcome by so much love for you that I couldn’t control my desires.” I knew I didn’t believe his apology but for some reason, the fires of my rage began to simmer down. I started feeling responsible for what happened. Why did I trust him so easily? Why did I agree to go to his house? I started to feel as if I consented to whatever happened by following him home in the first place. He asked me, “Did you honestly think I helped you without expecting anything in return? Don’t tell me you are that naive.” All this added to my self-crucifixion.

Before I left he even showed me the work he would like me to do for him. This is the part where I believe I was brainwashed somehow. If I wasn’t, then why else would I return to the house the next day to work for him? Today, the whole thing doesn’t make sense to me but I actually went back. I ironed his clothes and cleaned his room that was dirty like hell. The entire time he was acting as if he genuinely cared about me. I could tell he was just being nice to me so I wouldn’t report him to the police but I didn’t say anything. He even slept with me again before I left.

After everything, he didn’t pay me for my work. He had promised to send the money to me after I got home, but the only thing he gave me was a box of excuses. That was when I understood that he never planned to pay me for my services at all. He only wanted to use me for free labour. Adding that to what he had already done feels like adding salt to injury. I don’t want to lie, it’s killing me inside.

Now more than anything, I am determined to make him pay for everything. I have evidence of the sexual abuse. Is it too late to report him to the police? After what happened the second day, won’t they dismiss me when I tell them he forced himself on me the first time? If they ask questions like, “Why did you go back there after what happened?” I won’t know what to tell them except that I was brainwashed. Will they believe me? That’s why I am here asking if I have a case. If the law won’t work, I have no option but to consult a witch doctor. Whatever it takes to make him pay.

—Rosie, Botswana

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