He fired Alex. He came late twice and closed early. Alex explained why that happened and my husband said, “That’s not my business. You were hired to be here at a certain time and close at a certain time. You couldn’t fulfil your part of the bargain so there’s no need to continue.” The kids love Alex and wanted him to stay on but my husband pushed him away. After Alex there was Noah. He also got fired two months later because there was a mistake in the homework he gave to the kids. And then there was Alfred who got fired a month later because he went into our kitchen to heat his food.
I told my husband, “Humans are full of mistakes. If you’ll fire everyone because of one or two mistakes then at some point you won’t get any teacher to teach the kids at home. They’ll come good today and tomorrow their flaws will show. Why don’t you overlook these flaws sometimes and allow them to carry on with their work?”
He defended his stand. He told me, “These are people hired to impact our children. They can’t come here and impact them wrongly. Soon my kids will learn that being late is normal. They’ll think entering someone’s kitchen to heat your food is normal. If a teacher is making mistakes with homework, what lessons are the kids going to learn from that? They see so many bad things already. People I hire to teach are supposed to correct that and not reinforce them.”
He wanted to win the argument so I let him win it. I didn’t argue but I told him I was not going to bring any teacher in again so he should rather go out there and search for one. For two months we didn’t get anyone. These kids will return from school and play games until we come back from work. My husband started complaining as if I was the reason why my kids didn’t have a home tutor.
We got lucky. A neighbour recommended a teacher for us. Immediately my husband got to know she was a female teacher, he said no. I asked why and he answered, “Even the men couldn’t stand it. How much more a lady? A guy came to heat food. This lady might bring her foodstuff here to cook. I want a permanent solution. Not a quick fix.”
We waited for one more month and no one came so we decided to use the services of the lady teacher. She came around on Saturday while we were both home. My husband saw her and his countenance changed. Usually, he would be the one to ask the questions ensuring the person was fit for purpose but with this lady, the only question asked was, “What is your name?”My questions got finished and I turned to him and asked, “Won’t you ask her any question?” He was smiling. He looked pleased already. He answered, “Obviously she can do the job. Let’s allow her and see how it goes.”
She started mid-month but she got her full salary. Others got half. Two months later her salary was increased. This was done without any consultation with me so I asked him, “How come? What did she do to deserve an increase?” My husband answered, “I had a conversation with her. She pleaded with me to add something small to her salary to compensate for the fares she spends every day.”
It sounded weird that my husband could be that understanding but people change so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
One Friday, the tutor didn’t come. My husband came home very late from work and during a conversation, I mentioned it to him. He didn’t say anything. I continued, “According to the kids, this wasn’t her first time.” Again, he didn’t say anything. I asked, “Are you listening to me?” He nodded his head and said, “Let’s talk about it tomorrow. I’m too tired.” We never talked about it until she absented herself again. When I brought it up my husband said, “She called to tell me she won’t be coming.”
“She called? Do you mean she has your number? As in you two talk to each other?”
Something wasn’t normal so I went through his phone that night. They were chatting once in a while but nothing flirty. They sounded friendly to each other looking at the stickers they both sent to each other. We’ve had teachers who got fired for less. My husband didn’t have the number of any of them. I was the one engaging them but this one was different. It felt like she was even a friend to my husband. I opened my eyes and ears around to see what was going on.
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Soon, I saw a pattern. Each time this lady doesn’t come to teach, my husband comes home very late. That aside, when I talk about her absenteeism, he seems to have lost his voice. He doesn’t say anything.
So one day I told him, “The madam has to go. I haven’t seen any improvement in the kids since she came and that aside, she had been missing a lot of lessons yet get her salary in full.” Again, my husband pretended he hasn’t heard me until I pushed. He told me, “Were you not the same person who told me humans are made of mistakes? Why should we fire her because of her mistakes? I will talk to her. Leave that to me.”
You should see how my husband behaves each time when this lady is around. She teaches them in the hall. My husband will go to the hall several times when she’s around. Even when he has nothing to do there, he would go there and stare at the wall clock and leave. When you look at them very well, you realize there’s some sort of unspoken communication going on. They don’t have to say a word to each other before they can communicate. At first, I didn’t want to say it but as time went on it became obvious I had to talk to him about it and we did. He told me, “You just want to fire her for no reason. Go ahead. Tell her not to come again.”
I did just that. She was shocked when I told her she shouldn’t come again after the end of the month. My husband was there and she went to look at his face. He turned away so I don’t notice the silent communication.
Two months later, I feel I made a mistake by sacking the lady. I’ve pushed the enemy away when I should have kept her close. I checked on my husband’s phone and saw that they were still in touch. He had spoken to her twice that day apart from the numerous text messages they exchanged. That night I went full ballistic on him asking questions and throwing around wild allegations. He didn’t answer me. He was angry about me going through his phone so he kept asking why instead of answering my questions. When I asked if something was going on he also asked if I read anything foul from their messages. Truth be told, there were no explicit conversations but the fact that he talks to her after firing her makes me uncomfortable.
He has changed the password to his phone. Whenever he comes home late, I feel he was late because of that girl. There are calls he doesn’t pick up in my presence. He’ll either walk away with it or not answer at all. When I complained, he put his phone on silent. Everything shows something is happening but he tells me it’s in my mind. He tells me I’m being overly jealous. The last time we had a fight he told me, “Pray more so you can get the devil out of your thought. I was only being nice to our kids’ teacher.”
My Husband Enjoys Watching The Nakedness Of His Mother–Beads Media
This is beyond nice. It goes deeper and my gut feeling tells me so but sometimes I think about it and I feel he’s right. I’m the one being overly dramatic about the whole thing. The changes in his attitude are too glaring to ignore and these changes happened only when the female teacher came into the picture. My question is, do I have a case? From what you’ve read, don’t you think something is going on? Won’t you suspect foul play if you were in my shoes?
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Perhaps you are right, but who is stressing? For now there’s no evidence to corroborate your suspicion. There may be nothing going on now but a stitch in time saves nine. Insist that your husband breaks off communication with her. And when he agrees, lay off and take him at his word. If you keep nagging you will create a toxic environment in the house and you will only succeed in pushing your husband into another woman’s arms and this may not necessarily be the female teacher.
Messages can be sent and deleted, u may be right or wrong but nagging won’t solve the issue. You shouldn’t have made him know u Rea through his messages, now u don’t have an evidence so u don’t have a case yet. You should try harder and lay ur claims on evidence. Stay save and remember the love of God and family is life’s greatest achievement
…..and even if he tells you he’s sleeping with her, what are u going to do? Nag and cry and that’s all. Better still divorce him which u can’t. Your husband is full grown adult who knows what’s best for himself. You can nothing about it unless he changes his mind.