It was his father who handpicked me for him. He told me I was a lovely young woman and that I would make a good match for his son. I was single and open to meeting someone so I indulged him.
When Kofi finally got in touch with me, he didn’t need a lengthy introduction. I had already heard so much about him from his father. And the things I heard were good. Talking to him felt good too.
We were like old friends who had reconnected even though we were practically strangers getting to know each other. The flow of our conversations was seamless. “When your dad spoke to me about you, he said you were single. I know most people don’t like to tell their parents about their relationships until they’re sure it’s serious. So tell me, are you truly single?” He said he was single.
“Single and searching? Or single but not available?” I asked again. I wanted to be sure his father was not forcing me on him. He answered again that he was open to meeting someone new. I didn’t let it show but I was relieved to hear that response.
If we didn’t speak on the phone in the morning, we would text and talk throughout the day until nighttime when we would spend long hours on the phone discussing how we spent our day. The connection was great. And his father liked me. So what could go wrong?
Well, it all fell apart when I dreamt about him one night. In the dream, we were in a room together with his father. The man was saying nice things about me and it made Kofi so happy to hear them. All of a sudden a lady entered the room. I didn’t know her but somehow I knew she was Kofi’s ex-girlfriend.
Unprovoked, this lady started apologizing. Kofi then held her hands and joined her to apologize to his father on her behalf. When I saw what was going on, I started crying and singing. The next thing I knew I was running and Kofi’s father was running after me. And then I woke up. Usually, dreams don’t make sense but this one was just so bizarre and confusing.
After that dream, things changed between Kofi and me. The very day I had the dream, I called him but his energy was off. I asked repeatedly if he was okay and he said yes over and over again. The next day I didn’t call him. He also didn’t call me. No texts either.
It’s been almost three weeks now since we last spoke. I told his father about the silence. All he could say was, “Right now I am very busy looking for accommodation but don’t worry. I am praying for you and Kofi. Things will be fine.” What does that even mean?
At this point, I know Kofi has lost interest but I still have questions. How is it possible that we were fine but the moment I had the dream, things changed? Is there any spiritual meaning to this that I am not grasping? I am wondering if anyone here who understands dreams can tell me what it all means.
— Michelle
This story you just read was sent to us by someone just like you. We know you have a story too. Email it to us at submissions@silentbeads.com. You can also drop your number and we will call you so you tell us your story.
Your dream are simple. Kofi has united with his ex and I guess his father was against the relationship. Him joining his ex to beg his dad shows how he loves his dad and is willing to do anything for his dad to accept his ex. His dad chasing after you means his dad has chosen you over the other girl. You crying was from a place of pain and you singing is from a place of joy because God saved you from committing totally to Kofi. I would encourage you to keep praying and don’t take this dreams for granted.
Gpd loves you and HE has revealed this to you, what else do you want to know
Run for your peace, Babe
Dreams are a means / channel of subconscious or supernatural communication. A dream could be your mind at work trying to sort itself out, for example, if you think about something so much, you may dream about it. A dream may also be a message from the supernatural; from / of God or the devil. Dreams may be true or false, good or bad. They may mean something or nothing. If true, a dream may reveal something about the past, present or future.
From the dream you had, it appears that Kofi reconnected with his ex and you became free from a time-wasting relationship. That things changed the day you had the dream seems to suggest that the dream is true, but don’t count on that yet.
If you’re a Christian, especially a truly born again believer, you should pray (and fast if necessary) that God will show to you whether the dream is true or not, and what He wants you to do about it. Afterall, without confirmation from God, this dream could as well have come from the devil who may have also given Kofi a similar dream about you and your ex, causing him to cut off communications with you. I’m not saying that is what happened. What I’m saying is this: there are many possible scenarios to the dream but going to God for revelation and confirmation of the truth is one sure way of getting correct answers to your questions about the dream.
Otherwise, you may have to (1) wait for Kofi’s father to wade into the matter or (2) contact any other person who can meet Kofi personally and find out the truth or (3) verify it yourself by going to Kofi and asking him directly.
My dear, pray about it and leave everything in God’s hands. If the two of you are meant to be together, you will surely be. I wish you all the best.
Hmmmn….n MAAMEAFUA and AYO, the dream interpreters. This one no be love issues ohh… Na spiritual matter