Last night, I felt my husband’s cold hand on my forehead. I thought he was checking my temperature. I haven’t been well for some time now. I had a minor surgery and I’m totally broken down. This man put his hand on my forehead while I was sleeping and started whispering prayers for me. When he was done, I responded, “Amen” and he said, “I thought you were sleeping.” I answered, “I felt your hand so I woke up.”

We’ve been married for five years and every single day, I look at this man and wonder what I did right to deserve someone like that. My mom told me I shouldn’t marry him because of his tribe. “These people are not good. They don’t take care of their families.”

Even my deadbeat father, who abandoned us when we were young had the audacity to object to our marriage. I told him, “I came to inform you that I’m getting married to give you the respect you deserve as a father. I didn’t come here to listen to your opinion on the man I want to marry. You can come that day to collect the dowry if you want to.”

He came but he never smiled because he also didn’t like the tribe of my husband. My friends told me he was too handsome to be faithful. “Look at him and his lips. You don’t need special intelligence to know he’s a player. You left Kobby to fall for another player?”

Even my siblings had their say; “Listen to mom. She has been there before and she knows what you don’t know.” I told them, “When I marry him and he’s bad for me, I will come back and give you your stone but for now, he’s the best man for me.”

Look at this man now and the kind of light he brings into my life. Ever since I’ve been sick, he doesn’t allow me to do anything in this house. He would wake me up in the morning and fix water for me to bathe. He would bath our daughter and fix her breakfast. By the time I come from the bath, my breakfast would be ready. After doing all that, he would take the kid to school and ask me to call him if I need anything.

For five years, he has been nothing but amazing. Each year I tell myself, “The love is new, he will change.” Each year he proves me right. He changes but for the better. I didn’t grow up with a father but I’ve heard stories of how fathers leave everything for the mothers to do. Not this man.

I’m writing this to tell him he makes me feel blessed. I’m telling him he’s the best thing that ever happened to me.

Just Imagine what I would have lost if I listened to the voices around me. K.A. Obeng, thank you so much for being there. I’m lying on this sofa and watching you go up and down, trying to make us a meal though you just came from work. I will get better very soon because of your prayers and I will carry you over my shoulders for the whole world to know that I married the best.

Forever yours,

—Mrs. Obeng

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