I’ve never had a stable relationship since I started dating. Any guy that comes into my life leaves without any reason.

I dated my first guy for 6years. I helped him with all my savings to relocate abroad. When he got there, he called to tell me he had found a woman so I should move on. I was heartbroken for weeks. I stopped myself from falling in love for three years. I wanted my next one to be someone I chose from patience. I wanted to get it right.

The next man I met was a soldier. When you put your heart in the hands of a soldier, you’re assured of safety. You believe they’ll go to war for you. They will scream “Ahooya!” and protect your heart. We had a child and planned for an engagement. We bought everything for the marriage. Just when I thought all was well, he left me and had five kids with five different women.

I thought he would go to war for me but he rather went to war against me and bombed my heart. I was tired. My heart was in tatters so I decided not to have anything to do with a man again.

l got posted to a village to work as a nurse. I have been working there for the past four years. I met a guy in this village. He works as a labourer in his father’s sawmill. I was so determined to make it work that his job as a labourer didn’t deter me. I was ready to love him right, help him grow to become a better man. I was really happy with this guy until one fateful day, his girlfriend told a friend of mine to tell me to stay away from her man.

Eiii, a labourer too? I thought it was tough up there but not knowing it was tougher down there too. I didn’t leave. I didn’t allow the warning from the girl to push me away. I was there when the guy told me that he didn’t want to have anything to do with me again. I was broken. It looks like no matter how many times you get broken, there’s still some part of you that can still be broken. I cried the hell out of me.

I’m no longer crying but engulfed with questions. Am I the one who has bad taste in men? Or it’s written in my stars not to experience true love. It’s hard to understand my lot, trust me.

— Sandra

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