My current boyfriend used to be my ex. He came back into my life when he found out things didn’t work out between the guy I left him for. I have no idea how he got to know I was dating someone in the first place, let alone when we broke up.
He said he never stopped loving me. “Just because you left my life doesn’t mean I left yours. How could I not know what you were up to? When you love someone this deeply, you always keep your eyes on them.” That was his explanation for keeping tabs on me.
He asked for another chance. He said he was a changed man. “Even though you didn’t break up with me before leaving, I understand why you did it. And I want you to know that she is no longer in the picture. I promise it’s just going to be me and you this time around,” he promised.
That’s the thing about his promises. In my experience, they never get delivered. The first time we dated we were young. Although it was a long-distance relationship, we did everything possible to make it work. And it was working. At least that’s what I believed.
I visited him whenever I got the chance and we would spend some beautiful moments together. We never got intimate though. I wasn’t ready for that yet.
Along the line, I got to know that he had another girl in his life. They were in the same school. When I confronted him he said he would leave her. “I am sorry you found out this way. I didn’t mean to date the two of you. I regret hurting you. It will just be the two of us going forward.” All his talk might as well be a frog’s song. Just loud croaky noise with no meaning.
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He wouldn’t change but he wouldn’t let go either. Whenever I tried to dump him he would refuse. He would apologize and make one of his empty promises. The back and forth continued until I silently left the relationship. I couldn’t stand to have another breakup conversation. It was just easier to disappear from his life without a trace.
I was sure I didn’t leave any room for communication between us. That’s why it surprised when he came back shortly after my next relationship ended.
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The very week I took him back, the same girl who was a problem between us posted their anniversary photos. “I thought you said you were single,” I asked him. His answer was, “Be patient, I will fix it. I will belong to only you again.” I gave him a chance hoping he would be different this time but it’s still the same story. How can I even trust such a person?
All we do is fight these days because of my insecurities. He is doing everything possible to prove to me that he is being faithful now but too much has happened. I feel he might go back to default settings if intimacy finally happens. I want advice. Now that he seems like a changed person, should I give him the benefit of the doubt? Or I should move on?
— hope
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Move on! You want pepper in your eyes?
My husband was my ex but we are currently in our fourth year in marriage with two kids. I will choose him over and over again to do life with even in my next life. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t at the end seek the face of God.
You saw anniversary photos and you still want us to tell you what to do