Dear Philip,

I know you will see this post so I am embedding my letter in it. I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I think about our story. The promises we made, the assurances we gave each other, whatever happened to them? In our fourth year together you said, “Looking at how far we’ve come, it won’t be easy for us to part ways.” And I agreed with you. Was I mistaken that we were on the same page?

When things started to change for you, why didn’t you tell me? We could have talked about it and found a way to resolve it. Instead, you acted in secrecy and called me a nagger when I complained that you were changing.

Now that I think about it, everything started when you started doing your master’s project work and helping the Form 3 students with their WASSCE. When I asked to see or even talk to you, you’d give me a hundred reasons why you were unavailable. “I have a headache, so wait till I feel better.” “I am very tired and sleepy. Let me get some rest first.” “I have to go and be a busy bee. So I don’t have time.” That was how you slowly withdrew from me.

I know you so well that I knew something was off immediately I felt a shift in your energy. I tried to address it but you kept covering up your tracks with lies. We both know that no one is ever too busy for the woman they love. Our communication was almost nonexistent.  We no longer planned dates or even casual hangouts. I couldn’t even get you to return my calls anymore. On days you answered you said, “Let me call you back.” None of those calls made it to my phone. Is this how it’s supposed to be when love is finished?

I made excuses for you, “Maybe he is truly busy.” “Maybe he is working out stuff and needs some space.” I thought I was being an understanding girlfriend.  Little did I know that I was being fooled for so long. You didn’t tell me that you met someone more interesting than me. Was her lover for you bigger than mine? It explains why she is the one you gave all your attention to. By the time she is done with you, there is nothing left for me. While I was trying to make our relationship work at all costs, you were busy calling her your wife.

She became everything I was to you. She was the one you planned dates with. You erased the plans we made for our future and drew new ones with her. All the good morning and good night text messages you stopped sending to me found their way to her phone. What does she do for you differently that I don’t do?

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I remember all those nights I would call you and the operator would say your number is busy. Why should my boyfriend be on the phone with someone else at 11:00 PM and wouldn’t hang up to pick up my calls? Meanwhile, when I am on a call with you, you suddenly hang up or put me on hold. Unbeknownst to me, she was the one you were disrespecting me in that manner for.

Philip, even on Valentine’s Day, you couldn’t send me proper wishes. Celebrating the day together as a couple was totally out of the question. She was the one who got all of it; the declaration of love, gifts, time, and attention. By the time you finished doing all this, you didn’t have any more words to say to me.

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All this while you were playing with my emotions. You would come around and act as if we were cool, then you would detach and leave me wondering what it is we are doing. Why couldn’t you just tell me you didn’t love me anymore and that there was someone else? I wouldn’t have made a fuss about it.

You didn’t need to put me through all those physical, emotional, and psychological stress. You called me names and made it look like I was the problem. I almost turned into a crazy person because of you. Now that I know why you changed, it all makes sense. I want you to know that I have received your message. I will try and move on silently. I wish you and your new woman all the best.


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