Dear Kaakyire,
I hope this letter finds you on your birthday. Even if it doesn’t, I know you are an avid reader of this page so I am confident that you will see it. The first thing I want to tell you is that you are a special person. If it weren’t so, my heart wouldn’t have felt the impact of your absence this deeply.
Don’t you find it poetic that I am reaching out to you through this page? After all, I was the one who introduced you to it. You were initially reluctant to buy into it, but the moment you started reading the stories, you got hooked. You even started getting to the stories before me. You would read and tag me. After I was done reading, we would have conversations about the themes and lessons we learned. I miss those days, darling.
These past few months without you have been harder than I ever imagined. Everything around me has changed, but one thing remains the same: the intensity with which I miss you. I know we had our problems. They seemed so overwhelming at the time, but in hindsight, they were small in comparison to the love we shared.
It’s been a year since we parted ways but I still feel the void your absence left in my life. I have tried to fill it with other things but nothing works. I miss you. I miss the way you made everything better. All you have to do is smile and my worst day turns into a sunrise.
It’s unfortunate that I didn’t appreciate the joy, love, and comfort you brought into my life until it was gone. But I have learned my lessons now. Ever since you left, I am constantly reminded of what truly matters in life. Although I learned a little too late, I know how much I took for granted when I had you.
If we had communicated properly, I wouldn’t be writing this letter by now. You would be in my arms instead. Now I am here wishing I hadn’t allowed anger to get in the way of us. You were angry at me because I didn’t post your best picture on your birthday with a nice caption attached. Yes, I didn’t do that because I was angry you kept talking to that guy I complained about. How can a relationship end this way? I was shocked to my spine when you delivered the breakup message.
You gave up on us after only five months but I wasn’t ready to let you go. You called me desperate when I tried to get you back. Our parents pleaded with you on my behalf but you didn’t listen to them. My calls became a nuisance to you. “Your voice irritates me,” you insulted me.
I asked myself, “Is this not the same woman who was so happy being with me?” I considered you first in every situation. We made plans together. I was invested in your personal growth. Did all of that not mean anything to you?
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Kaakyire, the plan you helped me execute is at a stage to yield results. Join me to celebrate it. Come and let’s enjoy the labour and toil you helped me to build.
The past is bitter but we can leave it behind us. You know I don’t hold grudges. I don’t hold against you the things you did that were not pleasant to me. You are the one who has a tall list of things I didn’t do right. You said I hurt you with my words. I have apologized over and over again but you won’t let it go. Remember, love hurts but love also forgives.
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As I told you, I will be here waiting for you. No matter how long it takes, my door will never be closed to you. Go out there and try other men. When it doesn’t work out, I will be here waiting to welcome you back into my loving arms. I know some of the readers will call me stupid for this but I know I am not. Only I know how much I long for your presence.
By the way, I hope your birthday brings you joy and love, just as you deserve. Even if we are not together, you’ll always have a special place in my heart. I hope you’re happy and surrounded by people who care about you.
Take care, darling.
Your Dying-Ex,
— K-Fosu
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I empathize with you bro..
It is well❤️🩹
I truly undestand and know how you are feeling right now. Guess what, I was like this few days ago. I almost reached out to my ex but had to get the thoughts off my head after remembering all that was done to me. The lies, cheats, disrespects and all I saw on her phone with diff men. See, Never Expect To Get What You Give, Not Everyone Has A Heart Like You. If your EX girlfriend no dey chea on you while together, make I naked bathe and if she’s not in a new relationship now, make I also naked bathe. From your post, you’re a weak man, you love more than she ever loved you, she disrespected you and even ur family after they talked to her. What were you expecting? You’re here feeing all lost and less of a man while she’s probabaly warming the bed of the guy you complained bout while together or probably some new guy. Look urself in the mirror and ask if you’re truly a man!! It’s been over 1yr, she’s moved on while you’re here asking for her hand back. You even said you’ll wait if she’s with someone. The things you typed are words from a simp, weak man and someone who’s has less or no love at home.
Never re-friend a person who has tried to destroy your character, money, friendship, relationship. A snake only sheds its skin to become a bigger snake. If you Dey important to her and in her life, you go surely know. You won’t be wishing and thinking she’ll come back bcos of some stupid posts here. Wake up man, dust yourself up, try again with someone new, take ur time and be a better than. Let that your EX go in peace. Learn from my mistakes, i showed sign of a weak man, I begged, I begged for her to do better, I never knew I was being chicken and a stupid man. She was telling her friends all I did to win her back while she was seeing diff guys. Bro, it’s been over 1yr and I’ve never looked back, I’ve not dialed nor send her a text msg. I’ve not checked her out on social media. Stop begging for love, stop begging for the bare minimum form women or from a woman you’re dating. ✌️
Interesting read. So let me ask oo, whilst she tries other men, and as you wait to welcome her back into your loving arms no matter what, are you going to be dating someone or what? What happens to whoever you’ll happen to be dating when she comes back?????
How you carry yourself about is how others will treat you. Add value to your life not because of a lady or anyone else. Love your neighbour as yourself not more than yourself. Let her go. She never loved you in the first place. Leave her where she belongs I.e in the past. You are someone’s son stand up for yourself.