Our tribal differences never crossed my mind until the day he took me to meet his parents. I’m an Ashanti. He’s an Ewe. We met during our master’s program and fell in love. He was very helpful to me so the day he proposed, though I was not in a good place emotionally, I said yes. Hoping things will turn out well in the end.
He understands Twi so we mostly speak Twi or English when we talk but one thing I noticed early in our relationship was that whenever he spoke to his parents or siblings, he spoke Ewe. I wouldn’t understand anything but in the end, he would turn to me and say, “My mom extends her greetings.” Or “My dad said he can’t wait to see you.”
I was delighted to know he took the relationship seriously enough to talk to his parents about me. I couldn’t wait to meet them either. To me, it was a sign that our relationship had been accepted by his parents.
I took him home first to meet my family. Everything went well. He was happy with the way my family treated him. It was my mom who cooked and served him. My dad sat with us while he ate. He threw in some relationship advice and told us to remain committed if we wanted to go far. When we returned to our base, we planned on when to meet his people. Our relationship was a little over a year old.
He kept postponing. The reasons he gave for the postponement made a lot of sense so I didn’t fight it. We were always happy in the relationship so I didn’t have any worries concerning the postponement until we finally set off one dawn to go and meet them. The first thing I realized was that his parents couldn’t speak the Twi very well but they spoke impeccable English.
They didn’t smile when they met me. His mother said, “Welcome my daughter” and started talking to my boyfriend in Ewe. As for his dad, he greeted me in Ewe, when I didn’t understand, he said something to my boyfriend before he greeted me again in English. I was with them at a table but I didn’t hear a word of what they said. I didn’t know what they were discussing, but my boyfriend wasn’t smiling. I felt unwelcome and uncomfortable around them.
In the evening when we were left alone, I asked him what they said and he responded, “It’s nothing important. Just family issues.” I asked, “Have you told them the reason we are here?” He said, “They already know, that’s why we are here.” I told him, in fact, I pleaded with him to tell his parents to speak English when I’m around so I can at least understand what they are saying. He told me he couldn’t do that because his parents would be angry but he’ll try to speak English and see if they’ll respond.
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It didn’t work. They always spoke Ewe and that left me feeling like a lost stranger. The night before our departure, we were in the hall watching TV. For two days they didn’t engage me. The only thing I heard from them were greetings. That evening I decided to engage them. It was terrible. They answered my questions in Ewe expecting my boyfriend to interpret it to me. It got to a point, where the parents were laughing about something but my boyfriend kept a straight face, he was trying hard to swallow what was going on so I don’t get a gist. I left the hall and went to our room. He didn’t come until hours later.
He said, “They were angry when you left without asking permission.” I told him, “Oh they saw my absence? I thought they didn’t see my presence so my absence wouldn’t mean anything to them.”
We had a mini argument. Everything showed something was going on but he wasn’t willing to tell me. The next day when we were leaving, I said goodbye to them and smiled. They didn’t smile back. I told my boyfriend, “I’m never coming back here again. They don’t like me. It’s obvious but you won’t say it.”
In the car back home, he was silent while I kept bombarding him with questions. He said I was exaggerating. I knew what I saw so I wouldn’t allow him to explain it differently to me.
When we got to our destination, I told him, “Your parents want you to marry someone else, don’t let us pretend and waste each other’s time.” He said I was getting it wrong, yet didn’t tell me what was the right thing. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and kept going on with him. He’s a great guy. The only guy who made me feel I belonged to his future. Every decision he took he involved me. When he had issues with his siblings, he told me about it.
We attended the wedding of one of his cousins. His whole family were there. I dreaded meeting them but I thought meeting the whole family would be different than meeting only the parents. It wasn’t different. In fact, it was worse. He introduced me to his brother. We were speaking English but right after the introduction, his brother shifted to Ewe. The same with his sisters and one aunt.
I was like, “So if I marry into this family, I have to take a course in Ewe before I can relate to them? Why’s everyone like that?”
Again, his parents treated me like they hadn’t met me before yet my boyfriend told me they liked me. I said, “Eii, then what manner of love is that? When you like someone, you talk to them in a language they understand. You acknowledge their presence. But what I see here is different.”
One thing about my boyfriend, when it comes to his family, he would defend them with every blood in him. He’ll make them look right even if that makes you look silly.
I made a decision to walk out of the relationship. He loved me and I knew it but he loved his family so much he would listen to them. I waited for weeks before telling him I was done. He asked why and I told him I didn’t feel welcome. “Are you still thinking about my family? Are they the people you’re going to marry or me? Why don’t you want to listen to me? Fine. Do whatever pleases you.”
We didn’t talk for weeks until recently he showed up at my door saying we needed to talk. I listened to him talk about his family’s love for me, how they are glad he has someone like me and how they can’t wait to have me as part of the family blah-blah. He ended by saying, “I’m the one choosing you and not them so why worry?”
I can’t give marriage a trial. What you see is what you get. That’s why I don’t want to go in before I see the mistake I’ve committed—a mistake I should have prevented from happening.
When God Throws A Wife On Your Table
I’m not confused. I know what I want and his family is not what I want but my problem is this, how far can I go to disregard his family once we are married? Can I marry him out of his family and pretend his family doesn’t exist? We are not going to live around them. Once in a while, I will meet them but that will be for a few hours. Can I marry him and bear with the family for a few hours and later enjoy my husband alone? Is that possible?
He’s not the problem. His family and the way they treat me is the problem. Should I look at one problem and throw the whole thing away? That’s my dilemma. Please help.
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They want someone from their tribe for their son , what you see now is the picture of your future with him .Quit before is too late ,the will always stand with his family.
If you do love your man, then be prepared to go the extra mile. Learn the language and who better to teach you than your man. Don’t expect a miracle when you do but that will be a giant step to getting their acceptance. Also do not communicate that you are irritated by their lack of acceptance as you did when you left without telling them anything. A good man is hard to find. You are blessed among women. If you do love him roll up your sleeves and get to work
The family doesn’t like you and your boyfriend is aware you should have put your phone on voice record anytime you are around them and then give it to a friend who can speak the language to teach you the meaning.
I’m an Ewe. My elder brother married an Ashanti woman and she’s the best thing that happened to us as a family. At the beginning it was awkward but now the waters are cleared.
I’m married to a Fanti. There’s a bit of mistrust between the two tribes at the beginning of marriage arrangements. It didn’t go down well with my wife’s mother until later.
I can tell you the man loves you and he’s only dealing with the misconceptions at the usual early stages of testing pulses of marriage engagements between these two tribes.
Listen to your boyfriend. If the family didn’t like you, he’ll be blunt and tell you the truth. For the language you’d have to learn it as my sister in law and my wife did because we don’t enjoy speaking other tongues in close knit family gatherings. Be patient and pray about your future with him. God will show you what His will for you is. Don’t pull the plug in a hurry. You might be losing your God given husband.
My dear, it’s very obvious you’re not welcomed by the family. Now that you know this, whatever you decide to do with this info is up to you. Just know in mind, we are Africans and family play a major role. Please advise yourself
Marriage is not just between couples but families inclusive. All I can say is never return to where you are not accepted.
Madam please flee wai. Don’t even think twice about it. What you saying is the true picture, nothing will change after marriage and your man will always defend his family.
A word to the wise, …………………….
Please my sister I am a leaving testimony to this tribal issue. Am Kwahu whilse He is 100% Ewe. Please don’t venture. Now they have scuceeded in collapsing the marriage. Once you can’t speak their language don’t force yourself. A word to a wise .,…
Madam these people have already showed you who they are, don’t forget you’re not marrying only their son but the entire family, don’t listen to only your heart, please use your head and listen to your instincts as well…..don’t try this, you won’t have peace,you won’t enjoy your marriage…..