She was different. She didn’t act like a delivery girl. She would come to my office, give me what I bought and leave. Her English was better than all the other ladies who came around to do delivery. I called her madam and made enquiries about her. She told me she was a university student but was struggling to pay fees so she took up the role.

I asked about her character and attitude towards work. The madam gave a very good account of her so I decided to make her my friend and see where things would go.

When we talked, I asked her about school. She was surprised I knew so much about her already. I took her number and we became friends. She told me about her struggles. How she nearly dropped out of school at level hundred. I promised to help her complete school.

She didn’t believe me. She felt I was in for sex or I was going to pay and demand for sex later. I promised it wasn’t about that. I loved her genuinely and wanted to help. I sent her money when she hadn’t requested. I would ask what she needed for school and she would reluctantly name them. I didn’t delay. I provided whatever she needed.

For three months, we talked on the phone and met a few times but she didn’t know where I lived. I went to her school and brought her home. Again, she was scared something might happen or I would forcibly do what I wasn’t supposed to do. We cooked. We ate and had a lot of fun. In the car back to school, I proposed to her. She asked for time to think about it and I gave her all the time she needed.

Days later, she told me, “I like you and like everything you’ve done for me. I want to accept your proposal but I’m scared it will interfere with my studies. If you can be my boyfriend and also allow me to study, then we can do this.”

She didn’t want sex until after school. She didn’t want me taking her out to chill when she had to study. She told me she had come from a very poor home and the only thing that could take her out of the trenches was education so she didn’t want to play with it. I said yes to all her conditions.

She came home to wash and clean for me on weekends. She’ll cook meals and store them in the fridge for me and make sure there’s enough to last me the week. I loved her more for those things and couldn’t wait for her to complete school so we could consummate our relationship.

I paid her fees and bought her books. I gave her pocket money and became the father she never had. Her mom called to say thank you. I was embarrassed by the way this woman poured her heart out on the phone and used God’s name to thank me for everything I was doing for her daughter. “My son, I would lie on the floor for you if you were here. May God expand your territories and make you the head.”

I knew she put intimacy on the side until after school but somehow, I believed she would open up for me if I worked hard on her faith in me. No matter what I did, she didn’t want intimacy with me. According to her, once it happened, she would be addicted to me and lose her head. She didn’t want anything to make her lose her way.

She spent some nights with me. We slept in the same room, in the same bed and shared a sheet. The closest I went was to put my hand on her. No kisses or anything romantic that could lead us into temptations. I’ve never done that for a woman. And I’ve never been in a relationship with a woman that intimacy wasn’t involved. This one was special so I was willing to wait and eventually marry her.

In her final year, she came home often but didn’t sleep. She was always in a hurry to leave because she had a group discussion or group assignments or a group project. Some of the assignments ended up on my desk and I helped her do it. One thing about a girl who won’t give you sex but gives you all the love is that, they make you fall in love with them totally and because they won’t give it to you, you’ll believe they will never give it to anyone else.

I trusted her with my being. I’d call blue a green if she told me blue was green. When she needed money to give to lecturers for marks, I gave it to her. I’ve been a student before and I know how these things work.

She came to my place one Saturday morning. She came early so she could leave early but somewhere along the line, she changed her mind and decided to sleep over. By 8pm she was sleeping. Her phone started ringing around 9pm. It was on silent but anytime a call came in, the phone’s screen lit up. Amos kept calling until around 10pm when the person sent a message, “If you won’t come, at least pick up the call and tell me. I’ve been waiting.”

After the message, Amos called again. I picked up and said hello. He hung up the call. I wanted to know what was going on so for the first time, I decided to go through her phone. I held her finger subtly and used it to open the phone. Amos was a lecturer. They scheduled a meeting so he could sleep with her and give her pass marks in his paper. He wasn’t the only one. I counted three lecturers she had done the same with. One lecturer had been doing it with her since her second year.

Ɔdɛfoɔ adiɛ na yɛdikyikyɛ sɛi?

If angels didn’t hold my hands that night, I would have been worse. For a moment, I lost my bearing. I woke her up with a slap in the face. That wasn’t enough, I held her shoulders and shook her until she felt in her soul the kind of pain I was going through. She still didn’t know what was going on. I mentioned the names of the lecturers one after the other and told her, “Amos is waiting for his turn. Get up and leave. Ashawo, get up and leave.”

When she jumped out of the bed to the door, I stood in her way and screamed, “You won’t go anywhere until you explain. I paid for everything, even money for marks so why? You won’t give it to me but give it to lecturers? What kind of wickedness is that?”

She was quivering while begging me not to harm her. I’m glad this happened in the bedroom and nowhere else. It would have been disastrous if we were anywhere close to the kitchen.

I wanted her to leave but I didn’t want her to leave. I felt letting her go was a win for the lecturers so I locked her up. She missed her first paper on Monday. In my mind, I wasn’t going to allow her to write any of her final exams. I said, “Even if you write you’ll fail. You will have to give yourself as a sacrifice to a lecturer before you can pass so what’s the point?”

She didn’t eat anything for a whole day not even water. I was scared she might die in my room so I opened the door and pushed her out. She didn’t go with anything. Her phone, her slippers and makeup kits. She ran out in her nightie. I was left alone to deal with my heartbreak.

Her mom called. I wasn’t ready to talk to her so I blocked her number. Heartbreak lasts for days, I thought but mine is still alive after four years.

I haven’t forgiven her and I haven’t forgiven myself. If you’re a woman reading this, I haven’t forgiven you for the pain another woman caused me and I don’t think I will be able to settle in a place where women are blameless. So I’m dating myself. I’m the love of my life and the future I look forward to. If I date a woman today, she’ll suffer to the end so I’ll keep loving myself. Women are not good that’s why God didn’t create one for himself, I believe.

— Caleb

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