The eggs on the waakye that day were two. That was the only thing on the food he bought. I like meat. I asked where the meat on the food was and he told me I didn’t tell him to buy meat so he figured eggs would do.

While eating, he didn’t touch any of the eggs. I ate one of the eggs and getting to the finish of the food, I chipped a piece off the remaining egg with my spoon since he hadn’t touched it. He kicked the piece of egg off my spoon with his spoon and screamed, “Why are you this greedy? Do you want to finish both eggs? Why are you this selfish?”

“I thought you were not going to eat it. You haven’t touched it since we started eating,” I explained.

My explanation didn’t restore calm to the situation. He nagged and talked and complained until I left the remaining food to him. Our relationship was only six months old. We are now entering our second year but this guy hasn’t stopped nagging about that piece of egg I chipped off.

He calls me greedy. Not only that. Whenever I choose myself in any situation in our relationship, he uses the egg I chipped off as a reason to call me selfish. “I know you. Someone who can eat her egg and also come for mine is naturally greedy and selfish so I’m not surprised you’re doing this,” he would tell me.

It could be a little misunderstanding where a little conversation would solve it. It could be something I did wrong that has nothing to do with eggs. In fact, it could be about nothing at all. This man would always find a way to rope in the small egg I chipped with my spoon.

I’ve explained to him how that makes me feel; “I feel you’re unforgiving if you continue bringing in a year-old issue into current issues,” I would tell him.

“I feel you won’t stop reminding me of my shortcomings if you continue talking about this egg.”

“I feel you’re vindictive and unprogressive if you can’t let the past go.”

“I feel…”

“I feel…”

Nothing I say stops him from reminding me of that incident. It was only a piece of egg. He didn’t even allow me to eat it. When he kicked it with his spoon, it fell back into the bowl and he ate it. Yet, he won’t let the incident go.

How would the future look like with a man like this? Sometimes he intentionally brings it back knowing it will hurt my feelings. Everything I’ve done in this relationship is to prove to him that I’m better than that girl who mistakenly chipped off a piece of his egg but no, he won’t let the past go. Asɛm oooo


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