He slept in my house one evening and woke up the next morning to complain about hunger. I asked him, “What work did you do last night that you’re hungry this early morning?” He looked at me and chuckled, as if to tell me, “You mean you didn’t see what I did? Even if you didn’t see it, didn’t you feel the effect of my work in your soul?” 

I went to the kitchen and prepared a liquid meal for him. It was milo, bread and some fried eggs. I served him and left the room to the kitchen again. When I came back, I saw him dipping a piece of bread into the milo. I stood there looking at him with amusement written all over me. 

He dipped it slowly in the milo and waited for a while for the bread to become soggy before carefully lifting it from the milo and putting it into his mouth. I laughed at him, “You still do this? You’re truly a man from the 80s. I don’t remember the last time I saw anyone do that. It’s good I’ve seen you do this now. Next time when we are out, I know what I won’t order for you.” I laughed and walked away again. I came back to meet the rest of the food on the table. He had gone back to bed. The egg wasn’t touched. The bread had been touched but a lot of it had been left on the plate. I asked him, “You’re full?” He didn’t respond. He was quiet and scrolling through his phone. I asked again, “Are you full? I want to take them away and clean them if you won’t eat again.” 

He retorted, “Take your food, I don’t want it again. You can’t laugh at me and expect me to enjoy what you’ve served me. What’s wrong with the way I ate? Must you make fun of me because I’m eating in your house?” 

I felt embarrassed. I thought it was all a joke until I realized he didn’t take it as a joke. I went to him on the bed and apologized to him; “Dear, it wasn’t serious. I was only playing with you but if it rubbed you the wrong way, then I’m sorry. Eat it for me. I made it all for you. Don’t make us waste the food.” 

I tried but he didn’t go back to the food again. I packed everything and discarded them. I learned one thing about him, that’s he couldn’t take a joke. That isn’t the way I like my men. I want someone I can play with and make fun of. I want someone I can share light moments with and make my burden lighter with laughter. Obviously, this one wasn’t the kind of man so I learned to be measured around him. 

The relationship was only five months old and that was our very first incident since we fell in love. I wasn’t going to walk away because of that. Every man has more than one side; the good and the bad. I was hoping to see more good than bad.

I went to his place one afternoon and the light went off. The heat in his room wasn’t easy to bear so we came out for fresh air. He lived in a fenced house. It wasn’t enough to remain within the fencing so we went out of the fence to sit under a tree in front of the house. A few moments later, I saw a woman dressed in kaba and slit walking towards the gate. His back was facing the gate so he didn’t see the woman. What caught my attention about the woman was the heels she was wearing and the way she was sauntering in the heels. Honestly, I felt a woman her age shouldn’t wear such long heels to trek. You could see her walking was affected in some way. There was this discomfort in her strides and it was very obvious. I jovially said something like, “Our mothers these days don’t want to give us space ooo. They want to match us booth for booth. See the kind of heels an old woman like her is wearing.”

He smiled before turning back to look at the woman. Immediately he saw the woman, his smiling face turned to frown. The woman mentioned his name and he got up to meet her. He went inside with the woman and left me sitting there without saying a word to me. I sat there for over thirty minutes before he came out with the woman. When the woman left he asked me, “Are you still sitting here?” 

The tone wasn’t right. His posture was combative. His face, I don’t want to talk about it. I asked, “What do you mean I’m still here? Were we not here together when you left?” His answer was, “You can’t say that about my mother and still sit here and wait for me.”

READ ALSO: Cheat On A Man Once, And You Will Never Hear The End Of It

Not that I said anything bad but knowing the woman was his mother changed everything for me. I was very embarrassed but I managed to apologise to him. He said, “If everything goes well, this is the same woman you’ll call mother-in-law. You don’t even know her yet but you have problems with the kind of shoes she wears. I hear you madam fashion police but you can’t disrespect my mom and think we can still be ok, never.” 

I thought it was just anger so I gave him some space, thinking he would cool down later. Four days later, this guy hadn’t said a word to me. I sent him a message asking about his health and what he was doing. He read the message and still didn’t mind me. When I pushed him to the wall, he screamed at me. It was on the phone but I could feel his anger burning through the wires of the phone. He said, “You think you’re too civilized and everyone else’s way of doing things is the wrong way. At first, it was the way I ate my breakfast. Today, it’s my mother’s moke. What will it be tomorrow? My father’s belt? It’s ok. It’s better we leave it here than take it to my father.”

He cut the line and blocked my number. 

I still can’t understand why something this small should make him this angry. We slip, we are humans. When we do, we apologize and it’s forgiven. I’ve done all that but this guy won’t look my way. I’m convinced he didn’t love me that much and he’s using that two incidence as an excuse to leave me. Other than that, they are two separate events that shouldn’t even cause a crack in a relationship. Slowly, he’s slipping away but I can’t do anything about it and that’s what hurts me the most. 

These days when I call him with a different line, he’ll pick up and talk to me nicely but he won’t unblock my number. 

I Introduced Him To My Favourite Prostitute And He Snatched Her From Me–Beads Media

I haven’t had it easy when it comes to my love life. Before him, I was single for two years and it felt like no one wanted me in this world. Then he came around and everything was good again. Now look at me, just one thing I said has brought everything down to zero and it hurts. I’m not growing any younger. This is the time I have to build something that lasts but see me. I’m trying hard to get him to reconsider but the more I try, the more he pulls away. Is that enough reason to call it quits on love? Or he’s just using that as a smokescreen to leave me because he didn’t love me in the first place?


Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to [email protected]

