I met Korku when I came back home from school on vacation. I was in my first year in SHS by then. He was very gentle, calm, romantic, and everything else I wanted in a man. At the time I met him I was already with someone. It was a long-distance relationship. The guy had travelled abroad and promised to give me heaven and earth if I wait for his return. And I loved him enough to want to wait for him, but Korku hit me like a train and swept me off my feet. The other guy was miles across the world so I figured, “Why not give Korku a chance, and date both of them?” And that’s what I did.

When we started dating, we agreed that we would abstain from all acts of intimacy. But Korku broke through my defences with his charm, and we ended up having shuperu the second time I visited him. After that time, it became something we did when we got the chance. When I got to my third year, I went to visit him and we had our moment as usual. Then a few weeks later I pranked him that I was pregnant. I just did it for the fun of seeing his reaction. But he didn’t believe me so he interrogated me until I came clean.

The next time we saw each other, he got carried away and spilt his seed inside me. I didn’t have any sexual experience apart from everything I shared with Korku, so I had no idea that I could get pregnant from that one time he didn’t use protection or withdraw. It was while I was in school, preparing for my WASSCE that I realized I was pregnant. I didn’t have anyone to talk to apart from my boyfriend. I am the most academically intelligent child among my siblings so I believed the news of my pregnancy would be the death of my parents. I also didn’t want my education to be cut short, so we decided to get rid of the pregnancy.

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It was difficult but I managed to get my hands on some pills which were supposed to do the job. However, after taking the pills, nothing came out. So Korku and I went to the hospital to get it removed surgically. We met a midwife who performed the procedure. She even showed me the clot, and I was so relieved that it finally came out. I went back to school after the procedure, and my life went back to normal. WASSCE was around the corner, and my period had started flowing again. Life was good.

Four months later, I started feeling pregnant again. My body was weak, I was constantly eating, and I felt something growing in my womb. I was confused. I hadn’t done anything with Korku ever since we did the procedure, and I was getting my period, so how come I was still pregnant? At that point, I couldn’t risk trying to get rid of it again so we decided to leave it. Korku was not in school with me but he was virtually with me every step of the way. Thanks to my flat tummy, I managed to finish writing my WASSCE without anyone in school noticing it. Even when I came home, my parents didn’t notice it. It was my boyfriend who persuaded me to tell them. He would tell me, “Nicole, you have to tell your parents before they find out on their own. I know you are afraid of what they will do, but let’s tell them now and face the music before it gets too late.”

So one day I gathered courage and told my parents that I was expecting. The news shattered them but they handled it with grace. They took care of me alongside Korku until I had the baby. Korku came with his parents to perform the necessary rites so they could claim the child officially. After everything, my parents told me, “Stop dating that boy. We don’t want him in this family.” I didn’t understand them, “I have a son with him, and we love each other. So why should I break up with him?” My father said, “He is an Ewe man. Those people don’t take good care of their wives, so we can’t let you marry him.” “But he takes good care of me and our son. You’ve seen it for yourself,” I argued.

My Friend With Benefits Is Pregnant For Me But That’s Not The Issue–Beads Media

However, their minds are made up. My arguments didn’t mean anything to them. I have fought with all my strength to change their minds, but I might as well be pouring water on rocks. They have seen how well he takes care of us but they are still refusing to let him marry me. To make matters worse, my father has vowed not to help me further my education. Korku is willing to help me but my father has refused his help too. He is asking me to choose between them and Korku. Sometimes, I have to fight him before he lets Korku see his son. My mother too is not helping. She supports everything my father says and does. So, it’s just me and my innocent baby, stuck in the middle of a power struggle between my father and the father of my child.

I am currently working as a pupil teacher, so I could save money to finance my own education. I feel very lost right now but I’m believing in God to make a way for me through this maze.


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