When I completed senior high school (SHS), I went to live with my elder sister and her husband. They had just welcomed a new baby and needed a helping hand. At first, I was only there for a vacation, but I quickly grew to love the place, especially the warmth and kindness of her husband. He looked out for me, bought me gifts, and even sent me money during Christmas and on my birthday when I wasn’t with them.
The day I arrived in town, he was the one who came to the station to pick me up. In the car on the way home, he touched me at every opportunity while talking to me. I didn’t think much of it until he placed his hand on my thigh and left it there.
I shifted my leg, trying to get his hand to fall off, but it stayed. He told me how much he had missed me and how things hadn’t been the same since I’d been away. He congratulated me on completing school and said, “I hope you stay as long as possible because we need your help around here.”
I knew he was warm and kind, but his touchiness was something new to me. When we got home, he helped me settle in, and I went to hug my sister. She was happy to see me too and immediately handed me the baby, showing me how to care for her.
One night, I woke up to a shadow falling over me. It was my sister’s husband. “Isn’t it too cold in here? Let me adjust the air conditioning for you,” he said. He lowered the temperature and left. From that night on, I kept the air conditioner at the setting he had chosen. Another night, I woke up to see him walking out of my room. I don’t know why he had come in, but I saw his back as he left. I wanted to call out and ask what he wanted, but I stopped myself.
One afternoon, when we were alone in the house, he sat next to me and confessed that he wanted me to be his girlfriend. He said he had wanted me for a long time, even since I was a child. “You’re way more beautiful than your sister,” he said. “If I had met you earlier, I would have waited for you to grow up so I could marry you.”
Red flags flew before my eyes, but I did nothing about it. I tolerated his advances until one afternoon, it happened. My sister had gone for a postnatal check-up, and we were left alone. I didn’t want to do it, and I told him to stop, but he persisted until I reluctantly gave in.
The burden of guilt began to consume me, especially whenever I saw my sister’s face. Four days after the affair, I woke up at dawn and left the house without telling anyone. I didn’t even take all my belongings. I returned to my parents’ home. When they asked why, I told them I was tired and the stress was too much. My sister had already called them to report me missing, so when I arrived, the questions were endless.
My sister and her husband came to my parents’ house to ask the same questions. My sister said, “Did I say anything wrong? Did I insult you in any way?” Her husband added, “Or was it me? Did I insult you or treat you badly?” His voice trembled as he asked those questions. They wanted me to come back, but I told them I would never return. My father was furious, calling me lazy and ungrateful.
The guilt never left me, even though I had escaped the place where it all began. One morning after church, I confessed everything to my mother. I told her how it started, how it continued, and how it ended. She was so shocked that she called me a liar and even asked me to swear on my life. I did. She asked, “Who else knows about this?” I replied, “Only my pillow and you. But I want my sister to know so I can ask for her forgiveness.” My mother responded sternly but solemnly, “She can’t know. No one else can know. If you want forgiveness, pray to God.”
I’ve prayed for over seven years, but every time I hear my sister’s voice or see her face, my heart skips a beat, or my spirit feels like it’s jolting out of my body—especially when I see her unexpectedly. When I was in university, I met with a school counselor. I didn’t tell her the whole truth, which might be why her advice couldn’t heal me.
I’m a woman now. I live on my own, work, and am building my life, but I can’t keep a relationship going for more than a year. I get tired and push the man away. It’s as if he’s trying to occupy the space where my guilt and shame reside, and it becomes too much for me to bear. So, I leave, just as I left that dawn without saying goodbye to my sister.
At this point, I believe only confession can make me whole again. I’ve told my sister there’s something I need to tell her, so whenever we talk on the phone, she reminds me, “So, what is it that you said you would tell me?” I always respond, “Oh, it’s nothing serious. We’ll talk.”
She thinks I need money and can’t bring myself to ask. She tells me her husband can help if it’s about money. One day, out of nowhere, I texted her husband and said, “I’m ready to talk about what happened between us with my sister, so get your defense ready.”
I Never Paid Fees Again Until I Completed School
He called and texted, insisting that we should talk. To me, there’s nothing to discuss—only a confession to make. What do you think? Should I confess? I don’t care what happens to their marriage. If it breaks, it’s the man’s fault. If it breaks and sets me free, I will embrace my newfound freedom and start over with a clean slate. I’ve carried this burden for too long. There should be a resting place for me.
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From the look of things, I think you should tell your sister and ask for her forgiveness. After all your mind is made up, and it’s a good decision. That’s the only way the torment will end, and you can get some relief. You are a good girl who would never do such a thing, under normal circumstances. Your sister knows that. But she will ask you, “why didn’t you tell me when he started?” Prepare a response to that question. After that throw yourself at the feet of God, He has seen worse.
Camilla, a friend was in a similar position. She confessed to her cousin after she had something to do with the cousin’s husband. Here comes the outcome: the cousin’s marriage though not broken, hasn’t been the same after. Everything the husband who had changed and living with the family does now is questionable. In short, no trust, little to no communication and the children of this couple are experiencing the consequences. My friend still hasn’t recovered from the guilt and she is seen has home breaker by family members while some are just indifferent. What I am saying is, whatever you are feeling is legit and not good for you to be experiencing but it might not change even if you confess. Start to love and focus on yourself. Be intentional and cautious about this. It’s your life so make it all about you. Put yourself out there to be the best version of yourself every single min. You deserve to live and experience the best this world has to offer and it can’t be stopped by a mistake you committed years ago.
I appreciate your sincerest reply to the problem. Sometimes people think talking about things that hurt them to those who hurt them will solve their problems. She might create a hole she wouldn’t want to look in. Bury that secret 5 ft down and focus on yourself. If possible cut communication with your sister. Your mother said never tell anyone.
Forgive yourself, love yourself, yes, but tell your sister what happened. Let her know the kind of man she’s dealing with. What if he also starts having sex with maidservants?
I do agree with Teddy. The guilt will not go away, even if you confess to your sister. It’ll rather worsen when your confession brings problems to their once happy marriage and home. Your sister will be upset with you, and that might jeopardize your relationship with her.
The guilty feeling is as a result of you blaming yourself for what happened. you’ve prayed and God has heard you. Now, you need total healing to set yourself free. Start by forgiving yourself. Whenever you pray, do ask God to take the burden off you. I with you all the best and blessings from God
My lady be careful when your sister husband ask you to meet him and talk about the matter ,an odeal can happened to you. Meet your sister at mom’s place and disclose to her.
My advice is that don’t make the mistake of telling your sister. Learn to deal with it. I know it is not easy, but trust me the people you will hurt and the lives involved are just too many. Confessing will cause a family rift that will not only end with you.
Listen to your Mother and speak to your Mother when you are burdened.
Sorry for the pain and burden you are carrying. I have come to believe in one thing, that, the world we live in is very small and so we come across people, circumstances and the likes easily. You have been through alot in these seven years. Confessing to your mum, your pastor, and God are great ways to ease the burden of guilt on you. Especially, because God will show you mercy and favor you (Proverbs 28:13).
With the mercy and favor of God you can forgive yourself. What happened between you and your brother-in-law is not iniquity (repeated sin) but transgression (went overboard), meaning left with you alone it never had happened, nevertheless, it did. So forgive yourself as many times as you remember what happened.
Do call your sister often just to hear her voice. Look into her eyes when you meet her…let love lead just as the Bible admonishes. Let light come into you spirit.
Ask God for forgiveness and move on
telling ur sister will create problems, ur parents being aware is enough
Blaming something that happened years ago on your failed relationships is just a lazy justification. Believe me, your confession won’t help you or your sister’s marriage. It would destroy her marriage. To say you don’t care about that means you have ulterior motives.
Make a determined effort to leave your past behind you and earnestly face a new relationship.
Don’t destroy your sister hapiness please. Never tell her. Just be close to God you will experience everlasting peace of mind. Please don’t destroy your sister happiness. There are secrets we die with. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Obey your mother words.