This is the wife’s reaction after the story was shared: REACTION
My wife has left home. It’s been almost two months. We had a fight, and right after the fight, she packed her things and left. Couples fight all the time, so I thought it was one of those things we would settle later and be us again. But as the days went by, it became very difficult to even reach her.
She told her parents I beat her mercilessly and even stepped on her. That didn’t happen, but I guess she said that so her parents would accept her back into their house. We fought. Unfortunately and regrettably, I threw my hand. It didn’t even land. She also threw one back, and I blocked it. That was about it.
But she narrated a different story to her parents just to paint me black. I understand the anger, but everything happening now looks like my wife and my in-laws are stretching the issue.
I didn’t see my wife for two weeks because they wouldn’t allow me into their house. We have a three-year-old girl. She hasn’t gone to school since this issue because my wife is keeping her away from me.
I spoke to her dad one-on-one, man-to-man. I apologized. I even accepted all the lies she told about me so we could let bygones be bygones. When I asked him when I was going to have my wife back, he told me, “I can’t tell. She would have to decide. As for my mother-in-law, she doesn’t want to even see my face.”
We have a business we are running—me and my wife. I have an 8-to-5 job, but my wife doesn’t, so I established this business for her to be in charge. All the while she has been away, the shop has been closed. The people owing us are on a holiday. The business might go extinct if things remain like this for long.
When I finally met my wife and we talked, she told me the marriage was over and she wasn’t coming back again. Again, anger makes us go extreme with what we say. I believed the anger would thaw, and she would come back to her senses, but no. She keeps running from me. She won’t allow me to see our daughter. She screams and warns me not to come close to her.
Days ago, I heard rumours. They are rumours, so I didn’t assign any significance to them. The person told me my in-laws are supporting my wife to break our marriage because there’s a rich man in the picture. I didn’t believe it, but when I had the chance, I threw it like a bone to my wife, and she barked, “Believe whatever you hear, I don’t care. We are no longer married, so why do you care?”
She got pregnant while we were dating, so we hurriedly got married to cover up our shame. It doesn’t mean I didn’t love her. I did. She brought a lot of stability into my life, and I could settle with no one but her. Three years later, it’s beginning to look like I made a mistake. Maybe I loved her and wanted to settle with her. But maybe, she settled with me because she got pregnant, because I don’t know why a harmless fight like this should bring us to a standstill.
She Left Me To Marry A Man Who Was Ready For Marriage
What bothers me so much is how my in-laws are not doing anything to help our marriage get back on its feet. Good parents do it. They face the worst yet they are able to put the marriage above everything and make it work. Not these parents. They’ve become the wind beneath the destruction of this marriage, but when everything is said and done, I will have something to tell them.
I needed a place to rant—to let things off my chest. I’m glad I found this space. Currently, I don’t know if I have a marriage or not, but when things change, I will come with an update. If it stays the same, I will count my losses, step out there, and chase a new morning.
— Nelson
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My advice to you is to let your family(Dad and Mom) know about it. Are they even aware atall?? Then, you need a lot of thinking and patience to do. If her parents are in on it and if she’s still adamant. I am sorry to tell you to let her and her folks be. You main focus is your daughter, ur mental health and how to move on with your life. Where I come from, if a lady packs her stuffs and leaves her matrimonial home and marriage, she’s as good as gone. So Mr, like my grandmother and mother used to say, to deal with a woman a man needs a lot of patience, like a lot and extra.
I agree.
I wouldn’t encourage my daughter to go back to a husband who beat her mercilessly and even stepped on her. Or have you forgotten that’s what your wife told her parents and you agreed? They’re being good parents if they are discouraging their daughter from going back to an abusive relationship. There are many things in your story that don’t make sense. According to you, your wife and you had a relatively minor argument, but she packed out of your house, told her parents damaging lies about you and denied you access to your child, then you obligingly admitted to the lies in order to make peace and now your wife refuses to come back home and your in-laws are encouraging the disintegration of your marriage. I mean there must be something that you’re not telling us. Even the story of the rich guy trying to date your wife doesn’t make sense. How many normal men chase after a married woman with a child and decide that she must be their wife? Something is going on here and I don’t know what it is.
I bring back your stone. You were right