This guy has been chasing me for months. At first, I wasn’t interested, but now I am. Never in my life has a man pursued me for this long. Usually, they come, I say no, and they leave. But this one came, and when I told him I was talking to someone else, he said, “I’ll wait and see how it goes.” Weeks later, he came back to check, which I found funny. I laughed and asked, “Did you seriously come back to see if I said yes or no to that guy? Are you serious?”
In reality, I wasn’t talking to anyone. I was just taking my time to heal after coming out of a three-year relationship. He would come to my house and play video games with my brothers, just to have an excuse to see me. He didn’t know my brothers before, but after a few visits, they started calling him a friend.
Eventually, I decided to be his friend and see how things would unfold. I visited his home to get a sense of his family life, and I was impressed. He lived with his mom and dad and seemed to come from a loving home. When I joked that he was too old to still be living with his parents, he said, “I’ll rent a place for myself because of you.”
One day, while we were on the phone, he mentioned visiting a place with a real estate agent. I told him I’d only been joking about him moving out. He replied, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”
He was doing a lot to win me over, and eventually, I started believing he was serious about me. I even considered saying yes to him, but the last time he proposed—his fifth proposal—I said no again.
I said no because I’m conflicted. I’ve learned that some men see a woman’s rejection as her playing hard to get. They keep coming until they win her over, but once she falls deeply in love, they may treat her poorly to prove a point. Another theory is that men enjoy the chase; once there’s nothing left to pursue, they lose interest and move on to another chase.
She Came To Do Industrial Attachment
For a guy to keep pursuing me after multiple rejections feels unusual. He seems genuine, but then again, every guy who broke my heart seemed genuine at first. So, I’m torn.
To the guys here: if I were your sister, would you advise me to say yes to him? He doesn’t seem like a bad guy, but people can change, and the effort someone puts in during the “campaign period” doesn’t always reflect who they are later. Please, I need your advice.
— Kukuaa
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Go ahead with ur heart. Leave the rest to the creator. I wish u well with him.
My dear accept his proposal. You have nothing to lose. A guy who takes your words seriously is the real deal. Besides he is ambitious. He has made you his ambition and aim. A man like this will give you the respect needed and will make you his priority. What at all do you want? If he deos not chase then he is the problem and if he does he is a playboy. My sister time will pass you by if you don’t take care. If you let him go you will regret it. A guy will consider you cheap irrespective of accepting the proposal early on or not. It’s all based on his mind set. The result of fear is regret. Besides what if is the mother of all fuckery.
Just agree on a no-sex-before-marriage arrangement and say yes, so that if anything goes wrong, you wouldn’t feel used. Besides it’s a good policy to adopt. The guys who want to hitandrun will run if they can’t hit.
If you’re brave enough you can take the risk because you’ll never know, it could end up being another lesson learned or one of the best decisions you’ve ever taken in your life
So are you waiting for that guy who would walk away after one failed attempt, so you chase after? Or what exactly do u want?