I’m in a serious relationship with three women. I’ve dated them for not less than two years. They live in different towns. They were five but I’ve worked hard to trim them down to three because a man can’t have it all.
These three are good women. They have their strengths and weaknesses. The reason I’ve kept them to this point is because they complement each other in a righteous way. I mean, what one lacks, I get it in abundance from the others and they all lack something.
It’s getting expensive dating these three women and I’m not growing any younger. I want to settle down very soon, probably with one of these women so it has been my dream to let two of them go before the year ends. I decided I wouldn’t be biased in my choice. Whoever wrongs me will go.
Currently, it looks like these women have had a meeting to decide never to offend me. Even when I offend them, they treat me like a child who doesn’t know what to do. They forgive me easily without a fight. I didn’t talk to them for three days. They called and texted, I didn’t respond to them. After the third day, I appeared in their lives expecting war but none of them gave me a quarrel.
They asked what happened. They said they were troubled when they didn’t hear from me. All of them said they came to my house to find out what was wrong but I wasn’t there. They were sympathetic and told me to communicate the issue next time. I didn’t give them any tangible reason for my absence but they made excuses for me so they could forgive me.
At this point, I know my dream of entering the new year without two of them might not materialise if I continue to play it cool with them so I’ve started leaving breadcrumbs; leaving my phone around carelessly and saying things to make them suspect I’m cheating. None is picking the bait.
I logged onto Facebook using Mary’s laptop. I didn’t log out. It was intentional. I wanted her to go through my messages and see what was going on there. She didn’t. She called to tell me that I didn’t log out so she was doing it for me.
My dilemma right now is how to let two go without any drama that would affect the relationship with the one I want to keep. I’m asking for what’s not supposed to be asked but it’s my problem and this place is for us to share our problems. How do I untangle myself from this safely and without drama?
Men Don’t Like It When Women Do The Paying
They are good people. They don’t deserve someone like me but I happened to them. I just want to make the wrong right so they can go on with their lives and find the men they deserve. It has to happen before the year ends. Please help.
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Sit them down and explaining yourself to them.
The one who really want to stay will stay. The one who doesn’t will go
We’ll be honest and talk it out with each of them..full stop
Or rather, choose the two you want to break up with and tell them that you have another woman..blah blah.. because truthfully you can’t get out of this without drama..but I feel sad for them..wasting all those year of their loves…
My dear man you are a very selfish person with no real care about how people feel. You don’t deserve anyone in your life you need to be left alone Did you ever think about the health risk ? The emotional impact on these women? Simple you do not deserve to be happy at all