We met at my boyfriend’s place when she visited for the first time. She spent three days and while there we got introduced. We hit it right on the spot by cooking together, going out together and exchanging contacts at the end of the day. In the evening, she sent me a message, “Nice meeting you. You’re very beautiful.”

I returned the courtesy. I complimented her on her great attributes. She said she couldn’t wait for us to meet again. I promised to see her the next day.

It was a Sunday so her brother took us out to eat and later sent us to the beach. She sat next to me throughout the day, telling me about her life and how she was enjoying herself. I told her about me too since I found her engaging. I told her if she was staying longer, I would have introduced her to my friends.

The next day when her brother went to work, she sent me a message. “I’m lonely in the house. Can I come and visit?”

I was at work so I promised I would meet her in town when I closed from work. When we met, she gave me a long hug and told me my breasts were comfortable to be in between. I laughed but I was intrigued. We compared sizes. We were not too far from each other according to our bra sizes. When I got home and took off my bra, she came to hold them and said, “I told you. They are bigger than mine.”

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This is a lady I’d met just three days prior but she was all over me as if I’d known her for ages. To be honest, I loved her outgoing nature and how innocently she acted around me. I’m that type except I don’t go around comparing boobs. When I tried putting on my dress, she said, “Are you covering them up so soon? You just took them out. Give the melons a break. They have an admirer here.”

She isn’t tomboyish. Nothing about her said she could be into women. She is more feminine than me so I naively let myself go around her. We watched movies braless. She would put her head on my shoulder and watch my chest. She would call me beautiful and say I’m the best her brother has ever had. She stayed till her brother came around in the evening to take her home. In the morning she sent me a message that she was going back to Accra and would call when she got home.

She called in the evening. We spoke for over thirty minutes. I don’t usually stay that long on the phone with someone new. We would hardly have something to talk about but not with this lady. She’s chirpy, loud and sweet when she wants to.

She called to tell me she would like to visit me but she wouldn’t want her brother to know. “Just the two of us watching movies braless, sleeping naked and being girls without the intrusion of the other gender,” she said. I wasn’t sure so I asked her to give me time to plan that. I thought of telling my boyfriend but it also felt like a betrayal. It took us a month to finally do it. Her brother wasn’t in town so it was easier.

When we slept at night, she hugged me from behind and remained there. I told her I wasn’t comfortable sleeping that way. She said, “Then you do it. Hug me from behind.” I didn’t. I woke up at dawn to see her head on my chest. “No, this can’t be normal.”

That morning I asked about her boyfriend. She told me she didn’t have one and then insinuated she couldn’t date a guy because guys don’t look like me. I asked, “Why would you want a guy like me? You want to date a man-woman?” She responded, “I would rather date a woman without the man attached to it. Men are heartbreakers. I don’t want them.”

We hung around the topic until I felt I knew enough to know she was a lesbian. I asked if she preferred women. She hesitated. She asked if I preferred women too. I told her I wouldn’t date her brother if I did. “What if it’s a cover-up? People do that all the time,” she told me. I replied, “I won’t lie about who I love. It won’t work for me.”

Maybe my answer was hard on her. She retracted a bit. I asked her to be plain. I promised I would keep it a secret between us. She smiled. She said, “Nooo, I’m not. I just like how soft and fluffy you are. And I like the way you like me. It’s fluid.”

Her eyes didn’t support her answer. They were fixed on my bare chest instead of looking at me. From there, I covered up around her until she travelled back to Accra. But she has become daring. When I post a photo on my status, she will spread me apart and compliment every part of me. “Awww your eyes. They are dreamy.” Or “Wow, all this for my brother who might be cheating with something ugly?”

I ignore her most often but these days she’s coming hard. I don’t know what she sees about me that gives her the confidence she could have me. I asked her, “Do you want to date me? You want to snatch me from your brother?”

Her answer wasn’t straightforward. That’s what makes me feel she’s a member of the alphabet community but she’s not able to be honest with me because she’s not sure. I’ve set a trap for her on several occasions but somehow, she jumps over them. I know what she’s doing but because she hasn’t confirmed it in plain words, I’m unable to make a move against her.

Recently she told me she’s suspecting her brother is seeing another girl. A lady her mom knows because when they talk, they mention the lady’s name a lot. I’m not bothered about what she says about her brother. I’m rather bothered about her attitude and what she wants from me. Would I be right if I talked to her brother about it? This relationship that’s playing out before our eyes. The cat and mouse story.

I want to but I don’t know the angle I’ll use to address the situation. I can’t tell him she’s trying to snatch me from him or she’s trying to be his rival. It will sound some way. I want to know how to address this issue once and for all.

I don’t want to drive her away. I don’t want to create bitterness between us. Regardless of everything, she’s a sweet kindhearted woman. She sent me money when we talked and I told her the month hadn’t been good. She could send me a link to a dress and ask if I want it. I only have to say yes and it’s mine.

She has a good side—her kind heart but…hmmm

— Felicia

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