I am about to make request that I know some people will consider odd. I know this because I made this same request on another page and the reception was something other than I hoped for. So I am here on this page to tell my story in hopes that this time around my wife and I will get what we are looking for.

First, let me start by stating that I am not someone who dates casually or just for fun. I have always had the mindset that I would only awaken a woman’s love when I am sure that she is someone I want to marry. That’s why I didn’t do relationships at a young age. I waited till I was old enough to provide a woman the safety and security required of a husband. I had gotten a job as a VIP bus driver. It was my first stable job since I started out in life.

After working for a while and grounding myself, I met Yaa. I liked her instantly but I did not rush things. I took my time to develop a friendship. She told me she had a child but was no longer with her baby daddy. Single mums are not a deal breaker for me so we were still on course. When I was sure that she was someone I could spend the rest of my life with, I proposed marriage to her and she accepted it.

We dated for a while before we got married. Eight months after the marriage, she gave birth. Unbeknownst to me, every time I had to be on the road, she was seeing her ex. The entire time we were dating, and even after marriage she was doing it. I didn’t know this until my wife told me the child didn’t belong to me but to her ex, the same guy she had her first child with. I thought she was joking until she moved out of my place and took the baby along with her. This was in 2019.

I followed up on her and tried to get a DNA test done but she refused. I even reported her to DOVVSU to try and get involved but somehow she pled a good case and they discarded the case. Not only had I lost a wife but I lost a child I believed was mine. To say that I was broken is an understatement.

I became a ghost living in the shadow of who I used to be. I didn’t think I had it in me to love again until Bernadine came into my life. She looked at the broken mess I was, but did not shut herself off from me. She offered me friendship when I needed a listening ear. Her shoulder was available when I needed to cry. She cheered me up when I was so sure that I couldn’t go on anymore.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure I could allow myself to trust a woman again after what happened with Yaa, but Nadine gently nursed my broken heart until it started to pulse with new hope. It was when I felt I had healed that I realized I had fallen in love with her. During all those moments she was there for me, we ended up building a strong bond. Not only was she invested in my physical and mental health but she was also invested in my financial wellbeing. She gave me some business ideas and even gave me the monetary push to execute those plans when I used up all my savings.

Things worked out the way she said they would. This only heightened my trust in her. And yes, I fell completely in love with her. I didn’t know how to hide my feelings so one day I asked her to marry me. The first question she asked me was, “Are you aware that I am also a single mother? Unlike your ex, my kids are two. Will you be able to love me and my children without letting your past experiences get in the way?” “Why not, Nadine? I know you, and I trust and respect you. Most importantly, I love you very much. I will love you as you and not through the lens of the broken man you found.”

Before she agreed to marry me, she made it clear that she didn’t want to have any more children. She said it was the reason I met her as a single woman. Most men who came her way wanted children but she was okay with the two she already had. “Although I love you very much, I am not willing to compromise on this childbearing thing.” Well, I told her marriage was not all about kids and that I didn’t mind being with her and raising her kids as mine.

Upon hearing that, she said; “How can I ask you to do that when you don’t have any kids of your own?” We talked more about it and agreed that we would have a polygamous marriage. My wife proposed that I marry another wife after we are married. Although we are both spiritual, we are an open-minded couple unattached to any religion, so I agreed.

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Because of this resolution, she insisted we have a customary marriage and leave out the ordinance marriage. That way we wouldn’t be committing bigamy when the next wife joins us. Notice how I haven’t used the term second wife, and how I keep saying us? That’s because we are not looking for someone who will come into the marriage and see Nadine as a competition. There will be nothing like hierarchy – first wife and second wife, no. We want someone who will be an equal partner in this marriage with us.

We are not looking for the woman to join us only for the purpose of my sexual pleasure, or a breed mare to bear me children. Yes, I want kids but I also want a polygamous marriage with two wives who get along – sister wives. I love my wife’s children as though they are mine but they don’t live with us. They live with their father so it’s just the two of us at home for now. There is room for the next wife to live with us if she is comfortable with it. Nadine is mature enough to live peacefully with her, and I am also mature enough to live with two women without any drama.

However, if the incoming wife doesn’t want this arrangement, it’s fine. She can live separately from us. All that matters is that we are all happy and living peacefully in the marriage. Now, we had a lot of calls from women asking us if we were going to pay them to marry me. Please, we are not looking to buy a wife or pay someone to have kids with me. Once again, we want an equal partner. It’s important to me that I have a genuine connection with this person so we relate as husband and wife and raise our kids as a family. Someone who will be a friend to Nadine, not a rival who will frustrate her.

Now, if you read this story and you are interested in meeting us, kindly contact the Admin of the page. I will talk to you, and Nadine will schedule a meeting. I am not in town at the moment so she will meet you first before I do. We want someone who has her own source of income and is between the ages of twenty-eight and thirty-five. Thank you for your time. I am looking forward to meeting my future wife through this post.

— Appiah

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