Dear Madam,

He had nothing when I first met him. I am sure if you had met him at that stage you wouldn’t have spared him a glance. Even if by some miracle you give him your attention, a tour of his room would have driven you away. I am not saying I am the reason he is who he is today. All I am saying is, that I saw his potential and I stood by him through his difficult days. I was doing better than him in life but that never deterred me. Now, he has a good job by God’s grace. He makes good money and he sends you Momo so you think you have met a gold mine.

Let me tell you something. This man you’ve latched onto is just playing you. You are not his main chic, I am. Besides you and me, there are three other girls. But those girls don’t count because he barely gives them the attention he gives us. That’s why I have taken my time to learn everything I can about you. Unbeknownst to him I have his phone’s password. I read his chats when he is not looking. That’s how I know where you live. You live close to where he used to live before he moved to another region for his new job. I bet you didn’t know this. How would you? He never even took you home, and you still don’t know where he currently lives.

The fact that this man meets you in pubs and hotels should tell you he is not serious about you. You have never met his friends or any member of his family but I have. When you call him repeatedly and he doesn’t answer, it’s because he is with me. Last Christmas, you wanted to see him but he told you he was going out with his friends. Yes, he went out with his friends, and I was the woman on his arm the entire time. Just this past Easter he organized a small party for his family and friends. Ask yourself why you were not invited. It’s because I was there with them.

You may not know me or suspect that I am in his life but I know you. I know you are a health worker. I also know you are a silent reader of this page. If the initials TSD and FF mean anything to you then you know you are the one I am talking about. You might be wondering, “Why is she still with him if she knows he is cheating on her?” And my answer to you and everyone asking this question is, I love him. I suffered with him when he had nothing so now that he has become somebody, I won’t leave him for another woman to come and enjoy the good things. Be honest with yourself, would you have left him if you were in my shoes?

You should also know that I confronted him when I found out about you and the other girls. He vehemently denied having anything to do with any of you. When it came to you he said, “Honey, she is just a friend. She is a divorcee with a child. I have nothing to do with her.” I don’t know if what he said is true or if it’s something he said to get me off his back. Either way, that should tell you that you all don’t matter to him as much as you believe.

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You might see this letter and laugh, “There is no way I am leaving this jackpot of a man.” Well, you should know things will not remain good for him if he continues to cheat on me. I have a certain grace upon my life. Men who get close to me do well in life. This has happened to two of my male friends. One of them was struggling to gain admission to pursue his Master’s abroad. He had given up on that dream until we became friends. After we became friends I encouraged him to try again and he did. Now, he is abroad pursuing higher education. It happened to another guy who got close to me. He was facing financial challenges until we became friends. Now he has a good job and he is doing well in life.

This grace of mine works like a two-edged sword. Just as it brings good fortune to people I care about, it also brings misfortune to people who hurt me. All I have to do is cry and mention their name to God. In a matter of time, things would start to fall apart for them. It is only when they come back to me to apologize for their actions that their lives get better. I saw this happen to my ex who left me for no reason. I just cried and said bitter things about him to God. He is suffering in life as we speak. It has happened to two other men but they came to apologize so they are okay now.

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All I am saying is that I am just bidding my time. If I get tired of waiting for our man to change from his cheating ways I will strike against him. All I will have to do is cry in anguish and mention his name to God. Every good thing he is enjoying now will turn into ashes. You don’t want to be standing close to him when this happens, lest you burn too. Consider this a friendly warning, my dear.

I have warned him as well but he hasn’t seen what my tears can do yet so he thinks I am joking. He knows cheating is a deal breaker for me so the fact that I am still with him after everything he is doing makes him believe he is in a comfortable lead. Oh, but he is not. I am just here because I want to fight for him. When my strength to fight depletes, I will shed tears over him and walk away. And that won’t be good for him and everyone he is involved with. So madam, stay off that man for your own safety.

P.S: The story of Akorfa and how she found a video of her husband cheating with five different women is what has driven me out of my shell to share this letter here. I know the man in question is not my husband but I have been through a lot with him. So Madam, if you know what’s good for you, you will let him go.



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