Before completing SHS, my parents made it plain to me that I had come to the end of the road when it came to education. They didn’t have what it took to push me further and I knew it. That day I prayed. I told God to be the provider. I asked him for a special favour, “It’s always been like this in my family. Can my situation be an exemption?”

I completed school and worked for two years before I had some money to continue to the tertiary. My parents saw my determination and also added their widow’s mite to give me a push. I landed in school with determination burning in my chest. All I wanted to do was learn and make the grades. 

I didn’t get accommodation on campus so I went out of the school to get accommodation. That was where I met Sylvia, a Nigerian who had everything going for her. She had the money so I stayed closer to her. When she bought food, she bought some for me. When she went out and was coming back, she came back with something for me. 

Sylvia became like a sister to me so we started sharing our life stories. The friendship grew to a point where we could share secrets. She told me, “You see me counting money every day, why don’t you ask where I get the money from? Are you not curious?” I answered, “It hasn’t occurred to me to ask. I thought it would be rude.” She told me, “It’s easy money. When I tell you how I make it, you’ll be surprised about how easy it is.” 

I was eager to know but she didn’t tell me that day. Each morning she will come close to my bed and count the money before me. Some days it’s GHC2,000. Some days it’s less. She had counted GHC5,000 in front of me before. I screamed, “And you said it’s easy? Do you pick them from the ground? Please show me the way. You know I need it.” 

She told me, “I get this through the body app.” “Body app? What’s that?” She answered, “Don’t you know your body is an app? Men want it and they’ll pay to have it but the secret here is, they don’t have to use your body before they pay. Every penny I get, I get from men but they don’t even touch me. It’s that easy.”

It was confusing but she took her time to explain. She showed me a ring and beads. She told me before she meets the man, she puts on the ring and the beads. The man will take her home and she’ll take her money before the game starts but once she collects her money and strips naked, the man’s joystick won’t get up. No matter how hard he tries, it won’t get up until she leaves. I asked where she gets the men and she said the ring brings her the men and the beads work against their erections. The whole thing didn’t sound as easy as she made it sound so I dropped off my interest in it. 

Life was hard but Sylvia had the money to live a soft life. I got a man who said he would help. At first, he was giving me money. I used the money to buy stuff I could easily sell. But it wasn’t easy selling the stuff. Those who bought on credit didn’t pay and the man at some point stopped giving me money. I had school fees to pay. I had hostel fees to pay. I contacted Sylvia for help and she paid my hostel fees for me. I went to people, especially family members. I scraped through to get my fees. It was tough so I started considering what Sylvia told me.

“You said I don’t have to sleep with them right?”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. They won’t even have an erection, to begin with.”

“So how do I get the ring and the beads?”

“I’ll take you there when you’re ready.”

We didn’t have to go anywhere. She showed me an account on Instagram and asked me to talk to the lady. She was also a Nigerian. I went into her dm and told her everything. She asked me to send the money and the goods would be delivered days later. Sylvia gave me a loan to pay for it. Two days later, the ring and beads arrived. The instructions were straightforward to follow; before you put them on you pray on them. You mention the kind of men you want to meet and the kind of favour you want it to do for you. 

One Friday night, I put them on and followed Sylvia. Whenever a car stops by the road, you speak on the ring and walk to the car. Immediately the man sees your face, he’ll fall and take you where you want to be taken to. 

I earned close to GHC2,000 on my first night from three men. These men gave me the money but once I was naked, they looked at me like a goat watching a piece of cake. They couldn’t act. They desperately wanted their joystick to get up but it didn’t. I’m not supposed to do any foreplay with them. That also comes with an extra charge. They paid, I did all I could but it didn’t get up. They were embarrassed. They tried to explain why; “Maybe it’s because I’m tired. I’ve been working all week. It’s OK, let me have your number. I’ll call when I’m in good shape.” 

READ ALSO: We Were Doing Perfectly Fine Until His Mother Said I Am Not A Wife Material

There’s one thing about easy money. It’s very addictive. You get it today and you can’t stop. I don’t blame people who travel with drugs. It’s easy money. You might think once they’re successful with one trip they should stop but that’s not how it works. Money is a spirit. It pulls you on a string. It takes a lot of fortitude to break free. I did it for six months. I had a lot of money. I sent money home. I took care of my other siblings. I paid my fees without breaking a sweat. The money brought its own lifestyle and it’s the lifestyle that keeps you going back for more. I wanted to stop. The money aside, it was a scary job. Anything at all can happen. One night a man got desperate with me. He paid extra more and asked me to play with the joystick until it gets up. I did it for over an hour. I was tired and wanted to leave. He screamed, “You’re not leaving until I eat it. Else refund my money.”

It was tough. I had to play smart. I told him, “My master knows where I am. After some hours if I’m not out, they’ll break into your house and it would be messy. I don’t mind staying with you all night but that’s not how it works.” He got scared and threw me out of his place. That wasn’t the only time. A man tried to forcefully put his thing in my mouth. He threatened to mess me up if I don’t make his thing get up. So after the sixth month, I told Sylvia I was retiring. “I have some money saved. Once school is over, I can set up some small business and live with it. This is too dangerous.” She asked me, “What happens to the things you bought? The ring and the beads?”

“I will throw them away or find another way to discard them,” I said. She laughed. She told me, “That’s not how it works. You have to return them to the rightful owner. You have to call the vendor to show you where she got them from. That’s the only place you can break the bond between you and the items. If you keep it and do not use it for some time it will start fighting against you. You may be miserable. I’m not lying to you.”

I thought she was lying to keep me on the street so I called the vendor and asked what I should do. She also said the same thing. She told me she herself doesn’t know the source because she also buys them from a vendor. She concluded, “My sister, just be using it once in a while, you’ll be fine. You’ll get your money and be free. You no kill person.” “Even when I’m married, I should still be using it on the street?” She answered, “How we go do am?”

How To Date A Physically Challenged Person | Beads Media

My whole life is a mess right now. I live in constant fear every day not knowing what my future would be like and how I would finally break free from this. I can’t even have a boyfriend because I’m scared this thing will have certain effects on him and on our relationship. I want to use this medium to plead for answers. If anyone knows the easier way, please show me. 

I want to stop it. I want to throw them away without messing up my life. Even if I have to let go of all the money I’ve saved to be free, I’ll do it. I just don’t want to continue walking the street stealing from innocent men. Please don’t judge me, I’ve already done that. I’ve judged myself and have condemned myself. It’s too much pain to be where I am now. All I need now is redemption.  


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