We work for the same company and are friends since day one. When I got married and was looking for a place to rent, Edna told me there was an empty house next to where she lived. She spoke with the landlord on my behalf. Later, I and my husband went to see the place. It was a great house and capable to serve our needs so we took it. From that day, Edna became a friend, a colleague at work and also a neighbour. 

When we were young and not married, she had a boyfriend called Tuga. Sammy Tuga. They dated for two years before the guy travelled out of the country. I loved that guy but according to Edna, he stop caring once he travelled abroad. He didn’t call and he didn’t check up on her. She was the one always doing the check-up. She told me to talk to him on her behalf so I contacted Tuga on Facebook and asked what was going on. He answered, “Talk to your friend to be patient. I’m working and at the same time going to school. I can’t stay on the phone for hours like we used to do. I’m doing my best but she always wants more.”

I told Edna to take it easy but before I could make any meaningful impact in their relationship, I realized she was going out with another man. His name was Ben. She introduced him to me and told me good things about him right in his presence. I was a friend and friends are expected to be happy when their friends are happy so I was happy for Edna. Once the guy left the scene, I asked her, “Does that mean you and Tuga are no longer together?” She answered, “I don’t trust him. The way he switched off on me was too sudden. It can’t be about work and stuff. He has lost interest in the relationship but is scared to tell me. I will break up with him officially very soon.”

Tuga contacted me on Facebook and ranted his heart out to me about the things Edna was doing. He was sad that the relationship was turning on its head but there was nothing he could do. I told him, “Don’t worry. Just live your life and be happy doing it. Anything at all can change in life. She may change her mind at some point.”

She didn’t change her mind. She dated Ben for a year or so. When that one ended, she told me about Mensah, a new guy she was dating. On my wedding day, she came with a guy. I thought he was Mensah but she told me he was Stanley. I asked what happened to Mensah and she said it didn’t work. Obviously, my friend was having relationship issues. After my wedding, I turned my attention to her, doing everything to make her settle with herself first before looking out for another man. When things kept getting worse in her relationship life, she turned to God. I even escorted her to one of the churches she went to pray. 

For over a year, I saw a huge change in Edna and I even give praise to God. She told me she was a changed person and nothing would drag her back into her previous life. One day, she told me Tuga had contacted her and they had been talking. Not long afterwards, Tuga contacted me on Facebook telling me they had rekindled their love and everything was going on very well. I told him, “She’s a changed woman now. She had been praying a lot these days so if you’re back in her life then it means God is listening to her.

Tuga came to Ghana after school. He got a job and settled. A few months after he settled, he married Edna. I was there. My belly was at its biggest peak but it didn’t stop me from going to dance at her wedding. After the wedding, Tuga had another job offer in Accra and he left. He comes back every weekend and each time he’s around, he’ll come to our house and say hi to me and my husband. He and my husband had been able to build some level of friendship where they call each other once in a while. 

Tuga is no longer living with Edna and that gives Edna a lot of space to roam. I was at work one day when I saw Edna talking to a certain man. He looked like someone I knew but I couldn’t figure out who. I intentionally walked by and greeted them. The man looked at me and I remembered who he was. Ben. The guy Edna dated when she broke up with Tuga. We exchanged pleasantries and I walked away afterwards. Later I saw Edna and asked where the hell that man came from. She answered, “He returned from abroad not long ago and he decided to pass by to say hello.” I didn’t make anything out of it until I saw him again the following day. 

He would drive to our office just before we close and take Edna away. Edna would leave her car at the office premises and later go for it when she returns from wherever she went with Ben. I told her one day, “A married woman shouldn’t be seen rolling with her ex the way you’re doing. People talk and very soon they’ll start talking. You have to be very careful.” She told me it wasn’t anything and that she’s bored after work so she goes out and hangs out for a while with him. I didn’t buy her excuses. I pressed her to be careful.

I was entering the office premises one early morning when the security man stopped me. He said, “I’m making a complaint to you. I don’t have any right to say this but I’m worried. The security guys have started talking and soon everyone would hear it. Your friend. She leaves her car here until late into the night before the man drives her here to come for it. Everyone here knows she’s married so they have started asking questions.” I thanked him and pleaded with him not to talk about it with anyone apart from me.

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That day I called Edna on the side and told her what the security man has told me. She got angry. She swore to heaven and earth that it was a lie. She asked me to tell her the name of the security so she would deal with him or her. I didn’t. I only pressed her to change her ways. Her husband would come on the weekend and he would come and see us. I would feel so guilty it becomes very difficult for me to look at his face. 

When the security complained, she stopped leaving her car there. She would come home with her car and later leave the house and come late in the night. One late night my husband woke me up. He said, “Look at the time your friend is coming out of a man’s car.” We looked through the window and saw her entering the house. The car drove away. My husband said, “This is the second time I’m seeing her like this. What’s going on?” I answered, “How would I know? Am I not here with you? How would I know what is going on?” He said nasally, “She’s cheating and you’re aware. Talk to her before it gets out of hand.”

Ben is no longer in town so my sister doesn’t go anywhere these days. Her husband came to see my husband recently and when he left my husband screamed my name. The way he screamed I thought there was something wrong. I rushed to him and he said, “Do you know that your friend is pregnant?” I asked, “Edna? Her husband told you?” He answered, “Yeah, he was happily talking about it. Is his first so I can understand the way he feels.” We both went quiet at the same time. We sighed loudly simultaneously. We didn’t tell each there what we were thinking but we got it. He comes home every weekend, sometimes once every two weeks. Someone was with her every day and was taking her in and out every night. The probability doesn’t favour Tuga.

Tuga is a sweet gentleman. Left to my husband alone, we should find a nice way to tell him to do a DNA but the question is, what’s the nice way to tell someone’s husband to do a DNA test on their baby once it is born? There’s no such way. I’ve told my husband to stay out of the issue but you know men and how they protect each other’s interests. I can’t trust him to keep quiet on this forever so whenever he’s on the phone with Tuga, my heart skips several beats. When Tuga comes around, I try not to leave both of them alone. Anything at all can slip. Edna is happy carrying her pregnancy but I’m the one having headaches around here. 

When God Throws A Wife On Your Table–Beads Media

I don’t intend to say anything to Tuga but I can’t trust my husband to keep quiet. The kind of defence I put up for Edna sometimes makes my husband feels I’m capable of doing what Edna has done. He looks at me and asked, “You mean you support what she did? Then it means you can also do the same thing to me.” I tell him I’m only trying to save a marriage or even if it would break down, we shouldn’t be the reason why someone’s marriage would collapse. He’s scheming and I know it wouldn’t be long until he spills the truth. My heart…Edna won’t listen to me, now see. I don’t even know what to do again so I’m watching as things unfold

—Edna’s Friend

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