I was in the house ironing my clothes one afternoon when my younger brother’s friend visited him. The moment I set my eyes on her, I wanted her to be mine. I remember the clothes she was wearing that day; blue jeans with a blouse sewn with WOODIN print. When she spoke, her voice sent shivers down my spine. It was at that moment that I realized that love at first sight is real. I couldn’t think of any other thing than to crown her queen of my heart in this lifetime. Her presence compelled me to unplug the iron and sit with them in the sitting room. 

My brother didn’t mind my intrusion, and neither did she, so I engaged her in a conversation. And found out that we attend the same church but different branches. So the next Sunday I visited her church. We talked after the service ended, and I took her number. The moment I got home I called her. Betty answered the call and spoke to me warmly. “Tell me about yourself,” I asked her. She took me through her life, and I learned that while I was in my second year at the university, she was was still in secondary school. However, that did not deter me. I am a patient man who was willing to wait for however long it would take for her to be ready for me. 

I couldn’t talk to her or see her when school was in session. So I had to wait for her to be on break so I could take her for walks through our neighbourhood. Some of my favourite memories of her were formed during those long and lazy walks. Soon, my presence in her life became known to her mother, a kind woman who loved me and often referred to me as her son. Whenever Betty went back to school I sent her letters, and she always responded to them. And though I was a student, I shared my pocket money with her and tried my best to meet whatever demands she made of me. 

Luckily, she passed her WASSCE with flying colours and gained admission to the University of Ghana to read Business Administration. I remember travelling from Tarkwa to her matriculation. It was a long journey but where love is concerned, Tarkwa to Accra feels like travelling from Accra to Tema. At the matriculation, she told me, “I will be in your school next week for my cousin’s graduation. I hope I will see you when I come.” I was overjoyed to know that I would be seeing her again soon. I told her, “Of course, you will see me. I am never too busy for you.” 

In preparation for her arrival, I cashed out all my savings and booked a hotel room for her. Relax, it’s not what you think. I just wanted her to spend the weekend comfortably. And I felt it was an opportunity to get closer to her so that she would know my intentions. I planned it to be a weekend she would never forget. I remember how excited I was when she arrived on my campus on Friday. She settled into her hotel and I left her to rest. The next day after the graduation ceremony I took her to dinner in an expensive restaurant. We had a long talk about her life, her career path, sports, her hobbies, and her plans for her first vacation. 

That was the day I gathered courage and told her, “I love you. I fell in love with you the very moment I set my eyes on you. I want you to be my girlfriend.” She sat there in silence for a whole minute before speaking; “I already have a boyfriend. I don’t think I can ever date you. You are not my type. Anyway, thanks for the hospitality and dinner.” I don’t remember how I left the restaurant for my hostel. Her response to my proposal was like a knife chopping my heart into pieces. It is forever engraved in my memory. I couldn’t leave my room for the rest of the weekend until I had to show up for lectures on Monday. 

It took me a whole semester to recover from the pain she caused me. It wasn’t easy but I took solace in my books and went to church frequently to help me heal. One good thing that helped me was that my family moved to Accra. So I didn’t have to see her when she was on vacation. 

Fast forward, seven years down the line I ran into her at my workplace. I run a pharmacy and she happens to be a marketer for a pharmaceutical company. Seeing her triggered the memory of how she broke my heart. So I wasn’t happy to see her but I managed to smile and welcome her and her colleagues. 

After they spoke to me about their products, Betty surprised me by asking; “Have you changed your number?” I said no and mentioned it to her so she could confirm if she had it. Immediately she left my workplace she called me. “Interesting,” I thought as I contemplated answering the phone. After the third ring, my curiosity got the better of me and I answered it. She sounded polite and interested in my life. I told her, “I can’t talk now but you can call me at 8:00 PM if you want to talk to me.” She said okay. A part of me hoped she wouldn’t call me back because I didn’t want to let her back into my life. I didn’t want to allow her to hurt me again. 

READ ALSO: I Have A Joint Account With My Sugar Daddy, I’m Now Married And That Account Is Haunting Me

 However, she was on a mission so she called me back at exactly the time I gave her. She apologized for how she treated me in the past and asked, “What can I do to make it right? And I am wondering if you would like for us to pick up from where we ended. I wasn’t ready for you then but I’m ready now.” I was surprised at her forwardness. If she had turned me down nicely in the past I would have jumped at her offer. But when I remembered how she ended things I answered, “I forgave you long ago but I don’t want you back in my life. Maybe we can be friends but nothing beyond that.” She said okay. 

The next day she texted me and we ended up talking about ourselves. She’s done with her master’s and currently taking an online course in cybersecurity. Her job is a temporary gig to support her academic pursuit. Out of curiosity, I asked about her boyfriend. She told me they dated for five years, and he left her for someone else. I also told her about my life, “I haven’t had any successful relationships after you. But that doesn’t bother me. I have buried myself in my books. I did my masters in microbiology at the University of Ghana. After my master’s, I won a scholarship to travel to the USA for my doctoral study. But due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I am required to do the first two years of the course in my home country and travel to the states if I still meet the academic demands of the course. I am through with eighteen months and already secured my visa to travel.” 

After we spoke she started looking for courses to study in the States. I was at work one evening when my brother called. He told me, “Give Betty a chance to love you. She has changed, and she is sorry about how she treated you.” I listened to him but I didn’t mind him. The next call I received was from one of my church elders. He also pleaded that I give Betty another chance. I don’t have anything against her but I can’t forget how she told me that I am not her type. And there’s also the fact that I will be travelling soon. I am not sure if I want to be in a long-distance relationship. I know that I can love her again if I give her a chance but I am scared. What do you advise that I do?


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